In a previous article, I detailed seven ways you can get more website traffic to your blog or author website. Here are seven additional ideas for getting people to notice you.
Increase Website Traffic with a Contest
People love to win things. I think it has something to do with our natural competitiveness and the ego boost we get at beating out everyone else for the prize. Hosting a contest is a fun way to drive traffic to your website. The thing about hosting a contest, though, is that the amount of buzz and participation directly correlates to what kind of prize you are offering. A big screen television is likely to attract more people to your website than say a DVD movie.But you should work with what you have even if it’s only free advertising on your website. Make sure to have a clear set of rules and guidelines for the contest and a backup plan in the event of a tie or few people participate.
Get Viral
No, I’m not talking about catching a disease. Viral marketing is the art of using social networks to get other people to pass your message around. Most people think getting their website on the front page of Digg or getting a lot of views on YouTube is what viral marketing is about but those are only the benefits of this type of campaign.Viral marketing is creating content so compelling, people can’t resist sharing it with others in their social network. It can be anything from an awesome article that hits a nerve to a funny video to a fun flash game. It’s a challenge to come up with this type of content. The effort is worth it, though, because you’ll gain a torrent of free website traffic from it.
Ping All the Aggregate Services
There are several websites on the internet that gather together all of the newest content posted on the internet. Syndic8, Technorati and Weblogs are a few examples. The main purpose is to provide their users with the latest news about the topics they are interested in. By pinging these sites, you can disseminate your content and drive traffic to your website.WordPress users can set their blog so that it automatically pings the most popular aggregators. You can find instructions for this on the official WordPress website. If you are using any other blog service, use a ping service like Pingoat or Blogflux Pinger to notify the web that you’ve just updated your blog.
Podcast Your Posts and Offer Free Downloads
The world is becoming increasingly mobile and what better way to tap into the content-on-the-go market than to record an excerpt of your stories and submit them for download to podcast directories. Not only can you give potential book buyers a taste of what is in store for them, if the excerpt is good enough it has the potential to go viral and increase your website traffic exponentially.Create a Video of Your Story
Along the same lines as the previous tip, take an excerpt from your story and make a video out of it. You have to be careful here especially when it comes to adult material. Many video sharing sites, like YouTube, do not allow X-rated content. Pick a non-sexual part, create a skit, and video tape it. If you have animation skills, create an animated video of the story. This is a particularly create way to generate targeted website traffic for your author blog.Ask for Book Reviews
Connect to book reviewers who blog and ask them to review your book or some of the stories on your website. In addition to finding out what your target audience thinks of your stories, you will receive free website traffic from the people who read their blog. Be prepared, though. Review bloggers are often inundated with requests so you will need to be patient, diplomatic, and persistent. Additionally, they will be reviewing your work so don’t expect aces across the board. If you can’t handle criticism then avoid this marketing tactic.Engage in Offline Marketing
Don’t underestimate the value of offline marketing. Take out an ad in the paper, do radio spots, advertise on television, network with other writers, or sponsor fundraisers. These are just a few offline marketing venues that you can take advantage of to draw people to your website.These are but a few alternative methods of marketing your website. Use one or use them all to drive traffic to your website.
Daria Black is a fiction writer. Although she writes all types of stories, she enjoys writing erotic fiction stories with science fiction, fantasy, or paranormal elements. Stop by her website to read some of her writing or to talk about sex, art, society, books, or other randomness.